Nic McGuire

$497 Online Course


Hello my fellow art makers, My name is Nic McGuire and I will be teaching a step by step course on How to become a professional Artist. It is time to begin taking the steps in the right direction to becoming a successful art business owner. Essentially put, we will achieve this by emotionally disconnecting from the creative mindset and examining our art as a business through an entrepreneurial viewpoint. I am going to be discussing a course of actions to take to switch into the creative person you see yourself as in the future. Some of the topics we will cover will be shifting from working for a company job to working for yourself, how to find your voice, proper pricing of the art, and maintaining the new relations you will make with galleries and collectors. The goal is to give you a new skill set so you can go out in the world and sustain a viable lifestyle as a successful artist. Come check out our streamlined course built upon years of experience. I am Nic McGuire and I Look forward to seeing you in the class.

Browse Lesson Plan

Chapter 1: Finding your voice
In this chapter, we will be discussing the artist you are called to be, defining “your story”, embracing your fingerprint on the artworld and deciding what to create as inventory to sell.
Chapter 2: How to pivot from a full-time job into a full-time artist

In this chapter, we will be strategizing the transition of switching gears to a successful art career and what is a realistic approach to making this dream a sustainable lifestyle.

Chapter 3: Pricing your masterpiece

In this chapter, we are going to breakdown several methods for getting the right price tag on your artwork. Discussing the value of our artwork and how to repeat a profitable sale again to keep the art business gears turning.

Chapter 4: Commissions that work

In this chapter we will elaborate on artist/buyer communication etiquette and how to get bigger art jobs for private residence and business’ that require a more specialized approach to complete. Realistic expectations and being able to bring the clients vision to life.

Chapter 5: Artists and galleries working together

In this chapter, we go through the ins and outs of the artist and gallery relationship, artist agreements, and healthy ways to keep you and them in a win-win situation.

Chapter 6: You, Your website and Your online presence

In this chapter, we will strategize staying relevant and creating a home base for people to find you, buy your art in new ways and how to represent your artwork on the internet.

Chapter 7: Networking your talents

In this chapter, we focus on organizing methods for reaching out beyond your comfort zone to discover future art collectors. Scheduling the calendar year ahead and planned events to maintaining a buzz of your artistic talents amongst your collector base.